Essential Lake Vacation Rental Must-Haves

There’s just something magical about lake vacation rentals, isn’t there? The shimmering waters, jaw-dropping views, and a chance to get back to nature — no wonder guests are pulled in like magnets. As a vacation rental owner, it’s time to shine by creating a design that’s the perfect companion to this lakeside allure. By thoughtfully blending the beauty of the lake with the comforts of a home away from home, you can stand out from the crowd and make waves in the rental market with your one-of-a-kind lakeside property.

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Key Features Your Lake Vacation Rental Needs

When it comes to lake vacation rentals, relaxation is key. 

Think about it—your guests are here to unwind, rejuvenate, and escape the stresses of everyday life. Incorporate natural elements like wood, stone, and earthy tones into your design palette to achieve that. Soft textiles, snug furniture, and plush rugs that make you want to sink in and forget the world are interior design details that will help you set the right tone.

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photo by Vanessa Lentine of a living room with dark gray siding natural linen sofa

Photo: Vanessa Lentine | Designer: Mindy Gayer | Via: Sunset Magazine

Photo: Thomas J. Story | Architect: Ryan Stephenson | Via: Sunset Magazine

Focus Your Design Around Lake Views

One of the greatest assets of a lake vacation rental is, without a doubt, the lake itself! Guests crave those breathtaking water views, so making the most of them is essential. Opt for window treatments that let the natural light pour in, creating a seamless frame for the picturesque scenery. When furnishing your lake vacation rental, strategically position your furniture to create cozy nooks that beckon guests to curl up with a good book or lose themselves in the beauty outside.

… but the Outdoor Spaces are Equally Important

One key factor that attracts guests to the lake area for their vacations is the opportunity to embrace the great outdoors. Decks, patios, and balconies are perfect for creating an extension of the living area; complete them with comfortable seating, dining options, and perhaps even a lakeside hammock for those lazy afternoons. Picture a cozy deck overlooking the tranquil waves and comfy chairs with vibrant cushions and throw pillows, perfect for a blissful morning cup of coffee or an evening gathering around a crackling fire pit. You want to be there right now, don’t you? A well-designed outdoor space will make potential guests fantasize about the great memories they’ll make there and influence their decision to hit that irresistible “book now” button.

roundup of decor for a lake house

Off the Grid or Not?

While the connection with nature and the great outdoors is undoubtedly a major draw, it’s worth considering how to keep your guests entertained if it’s pouring outside. Sure, there are plenty of folks who would love nothing more than to cozy up with a cup of tea and a good book while admiring the views (hello, fellow introverts!), but let’s face it, that might not be everyone’s, well – cup of tea. Offering entertainment options like board games or a TV with streaming services can help keep guests engaged during downtime. And if you’re designing your vacation rental for groups or families, a dedicated gaming room could be the cherry on top for a truly exceptional lake vacation rental.

Incorporating Water-Inspired Decor

Incorporate water-inspired decor throughout your vacation rental to fully immerse your guests in the lake experience. Now, I’m not talking about turning your space into an underwater theme park; a few subtle decor items can make a splash. Hang soothing artwork depicting lakes or rivers on the wall (or opt for water-themed print or affordable lake map wall art if you’re decorating your vacation rental on a budget), and add throw pillows with a splash of blue or green or decorative accents inspired by the fluidity of water. You could even scout for vintage or weathered canoe paddles to create striking wall art. Leave them as is for a rustic look, or paint them in vibrant colors that align with your Airbnb branding.

Go the Extra Mile With Unique Amenities

The little extras can make all the difference in your guests’ experience. Fast-track your journey to that Superhost status by offering unique amenities that guests will truly appreciate. For water enthusiasts, consider providing complimentary kayaks or paddleboards, giving them the opportunity to explore the lake. If that’s outside your budget, offer information on nearby rental options and try negotiating a discount for your guests. If the area is known for its unique birdlife or water animals, supply binoculars and an information leaflet for wildlife spotting adventures.

A lakeside setting is perfect for afternoon picnics, so ensure picnic blankets are readily available. Welcome your guests with a basket filled with local goodies, and don’t forget to include a few s’mores kits for those cozy evenings around the fire pit (if you have one). And for those seeking the ultimate relaxation, a hot tub or hammock on the patio will be the perfect addition to their lakeside vacation.

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Hi, I’m Beth

I’m so glad you’re here! I want you to have the kind of vacation rental business you’ve dreamed of, whether that means you’re an investor or just want to rent your house out for a few weeks during the summer.

I like to talk about interior design, but there’s lots of other stuff here, from branding to maintenance tips. Grab a snack, hang out, and say hi in the comments; I’d love to hear from you.

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  1. I love that you talked about a well-designed outdoor space that a lake house for rent should have, since it can make people fantasize about the fun memories they can have there. I think that will make people want to actually book a property if they have amenities that are enticing and aesthetically pleasing. This piece of information has given me an idea of what to look for when booking a place in Florida this coming summer for the trip my family will have.

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